Crate sn_networking

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  • Internal error.
  • When fetching a Record, the quorum to use. The answer threshold we need to reach to consider the fetch successful.
  • Channel to send the Response through.
  • Events forwarded by the underlying Network; to be used by the upper layers


  • The maximum number of peers to return in a GetClosestPeers response. This is the group size used in safe network protocol to be responsible for an item in the network. The peer should be present among the CLOSE_GROUP_SIZE if we’re fetching the close_group(peer) The size has been set to 5 for improved performance.
  • The range of peers that will be considered as close to a record target, that a replication of the record shall be sent/accepted to/by the peer.


  • Majority of a given group (i.e. > 1/2).
  • Verifies if Multiaddr contains IPv4 address that is not global. This is used to filter out unroutable addresses from the Kademlia routing table.
  • Sort the provided peers by their distance to the given NetworkAddress. Return with the closest expected number of entries if has.
  • Sort the provided peers by their distance to the given KBucketKey. Return with the closest expected number of entries if has.